SLASH Has 'No Idea' If Entire Original GUNS N' ROSES Lineup Will Be At ROCK HALL Induction

February 21, 2012

During a February 17 interview with Mike Jones of the Washington D.C. radio station DC101, legendary guitarist Slash (VELVET REVOLVER, ex-GUNS N' ROSES) was asked if there was any truth to the reports that all all five original members of GUNS N' ROSES will be present when the group is inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in Cleveland on April 14. "I know that there's a lot of rumor about it, as always when it comes to GN'R, out there on the Internet and stuff," he replied. "But as it stands right this second, I have no idea what's going on." (Listen to audio of Slash's response below.)

GUNS N' ROSES keyboardist Dizzy Reed told Billboard last week that the entire original band will be present at the Rock Hall induction. Reed revealed, "I know that all the original band is going to be there. I don't know exactly what's going to go down. It's one of those things I'm sure will all come together and be really cool. I'm just going to go in with a good attitude and a clear head and a grateful heart."

Singer Axl Rose, guitarists Slash and Izzy Stradlin, bassist Duff McKagan and drummer Steven Adler will all be inducted into the Hall, along with later members Reed, drummer Matt Sorum and guitarist Gilby Clarke.

With more than 20 years of service, Reed is the longest-standing member of the current GUNS lineup after sole original holdout Axl Rose. He told The Pulse Of Radio that whatever happens at the Hall, he's already honored by the whole thing. "There's a lot of great, great people that I respect and grew up admiring and idolizing that are in that, as part of that institution, and obviously just to be mentioned in the same breath as them, you know, for this band and everything, I take it as an honor," he said.

As for whether any combination of the eight musicians will get together for a jam or full-blown reunion at the induction ceremony, Reed said, "Honestly, we haven't spoken about it. I don't know when or why or how to bring it up. It's not an everyday sort of thing. So we haven't really talked about it — but I'm sure we'll have to at some point."

Although Rose has made his peace with various members of the group over the years, including McKagan, Stradlin and Adler, there doesn't seem to be any change in his non-friendly stance toward Slash.

Slash, McKagan, Sorum and Adler have all expressed uncertainty about the possibility of a reunion at the ceremony.

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